Richland County DSS
3220 Two Notch Rd.
Columbia, SC - 29204
Richland County DSS is the local county office where you can apply for your EBT Card or online at https://scmapp.sc.gov/. Applications are provided for Social Services Food Stamps SNAP.
People who are working or have regular income form other sources than work, such as Social Security or a retirement pension, disability benefits, child support, or unemployment, can often get SNAP benefits.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a nationwide entitlement program. This means that as long as you meet the rules for SNAP benefits, you have a legal right to get them. You also have the right to:
Have your application accepted right away, even before you meet with a caseworker. Only your name, address, and signature need to be complete in order for DSS to accept your application.
Have an adult you trust apply for you as your authorized representative.
Bring a friend or advocate to DSS to help you apply.
Get your SNAP benefits within 30 days after you apply.
In an emergency, get "expedited" SNAP benefits within seven days after you apply.
Apply even if you are homeless.
Get permission to skip the face-to-face interview at the DSS office if you cannot go to the DSS office because you are disabled or caring for someone who is disabled, if you have transportation problems, or if you work or have job training during the hours that the DSS office is open.
Get a list of all the documents you need to bring to DSS and help getting the documents if you need help.
Prove your income, expenses, and identity in more than one way.
Get a written letter telling you whether or not you can get SNAP benefits, how much you will get, and how long they will last.
Be treated with dignity, consideration and respect, and to be treated without discrimination due to race, sex, color, national origin, disability, religious creed, or political belief.
Talk about your case in private with your caseworker. You do not have to talk about your case in the lobby or reception area.
See your case file and make copies of the information in your file.
Appeal any DSS decision you disagree with such as when your SNAP benefits are denied, decreased, or stopped. You may contact your local DSS office if you wish to request a fair hearing. Bring a friend, family member, advocate or lawyer to represent you in a hearing or any other meeting that you have with DSS.
If you lost your EBT Card please call this office as soon as possible.

EBT is the US government\s electronic based system in the US for payment of monies to those approved for food and cash benefit payments.
Check EBT Card Balance
States have their methods to log in and check your ETB balance online. We provide that information on our state pages.
Apply for EBT Card
Most states allow online applications for EBT Cards through the application for Food Stamps (SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) or cash benefits through Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). We provided this local office contact for those who want to apply for their EBT in person at this office. After applying for your benefits you will most likely need to come in for an interview at this or another local social service office.
I've am currently receiving EBT,just mailed my renewal application in. I would like to know why I haven't received any additional due to COVID19? I have tried calling, the mailbox is full. I have asthma and have been in a hotel since 6 June 2020 due to mold in my home,the repairs are taking longer than expected due to the extensive damage. The COVID19 extra would greatly be appreciated. Thank you
Is the local office open... Im trying find out what's going on with my application. I called the number before it got disconnected lady said sending my interview number out... That was two weeks ago. Called local office on Two Notch be put on hold for hour and sixteen mins too get nothing going on than hung up in my face. I have pregnant person in my home. I'm not understanding why simple question of can i come local office talk too a supervisor? can i do my interview at local office? since number bv disconnected what's the next plan for ppl find out about their application status. Is there an email address that can be provided i mean something... Don't understand why them women on Two Notch in the office so rude. Applied for the job help people. Feel they could be more understanding and understand the people frustration with this covid19 going on. Its hurting everyone. Think be more helpful...